eKomi Official Shopware5 Plugin

eKomi Official Shopware5 Plugin

Description Shopware

eKomi Plugin for Shopware allows you to integrate your Shopware shop easily with the eKomi system. This allows you to collect verified reviews, display eKomi seal on your website and get your seller ratings on Google. This helps you increase your website's click-through rates, conversion rates and also, if you are running Google AdWord Campaigns, this helps in improving your Quality Score and hence your costs per click.

  1. Key Features

    • Get Google Seller Ratings.

    • Increase click-through rate by over 17%

    • Increase Conversion RateKey Features.

    • Collect order and product base Reviews.

    • Publish reviews on search engines: Google, Bing, Yahoo!

    • Multilingual and Multishop
    • Manage Reviews: our team of Customer Feedback Managers reviews each and every review for any terms which are not allowed and also put all negative reviews in moderation.

  2. Compatibility

    Shopware CE 5.0.x to 5.x.x

  3. Download Plugin

    1. Download zip file

  4. Plugin Installation

    4.1. If you don't have an account with eKomi please register with us from https://store.ekomiapps.de/en/register
    4.2. Installation guides

    1. Plugin Installation (Admin Panel/Backend)

      1. Download the plugin.
      2. Log in to Shopware backend.
      3. Go to Configuration -> Plugin Manager

      4. Click on Upload Plugin

      5. Select the module zip file and upload plugin and click on Upload Plugin button.

      6. Click on Installed and Locate the new module in the list

      7. Click on the install button to install the Plugin.

      8. Provide the required information for your shop(s) to Activate the module

        • Select Plugin Enabled  to Yes.
        • Insert your Shop ID and Shop Secret.

        • Choose Order Statuses on which you want to export information to eKomi.
        • Enable / Disable Product Reviews (if enabled, products data will also be exported).

        • Select Mode. (for SMS, mobile number format should be according to E164).

        • Select Product Identifier (How do you identify the product?)

        • Enter Exclude Products (Enter Product IDs/SKUs(comma separated) which should not be sent to eKomi)

        • Enter your Fetch Orders For Last x Days (Go back this much days to fetch records and export to eKomi). This and next field will work only in case of export method Cron

        • Enter Order Last Updated if you want orders to be fetched from a specific date Fetch Orders For Last x Days won't work in this case. 
          It will be auto-populated after the first run based on Fetch Orders For Last x Days, if you want to update/add this field please follow the format: 2019-08-26 18:30:39.000000
        • Select Export Method.
          Hook ( Will export data when order status is modified to one of the configured order statuses)
          -Cron  (Will export 50 orders with configured statuses every hour or whatever time the cron is configured for)

        • Click on Save button.

          Note 1: Make sure that Shopware’s Cron plugin is enabled and Cron jobs are configured on the server.
          Note 2Please contact 
          support@ekomi-group.com if you want an opt-in function.

      9. Activate the Plugin

    2. Plugin Installation (FTP)

      1. Download the plugin.
      2. Unzip the file in a temporary directory.

      3. Upload it to “{root}/engine/Shopware/Plugins/ ” directory using FTP/SFTP.
      4. Log in to shop backend.
      5. Go to Modules -> Modules and Services -> Installed Modules and find eKomi Ratings and ReviewsClick “configure” to configure it.
      6. Follow all step except a.vi & a.v

    3. How To Setup Cron In Shopware

      There are two main tasks to setup Cron for Shopware.

      1. Setup Cron the server to execute Shopware Cron.

        This depends on your hosting server provider. It’s more of a technical task. Below is the command that should be executed when you are inside Shopware’s root directory:

        php bin/console sw:cron:run

        The cron should execute after a short interval. The requirement can depend from situation to situation. Making the cron execute after 15 minutes intervals can be considered a good time interval.

      2. Setup Cron inside Shopware (It should happen automatically)

        When you install the eKomi plugin then the cron is created automatically. You can confirm this by navigating to the following location.

        Click “Configuration” and then click “System info”.

        Expand “System Menu”. Click “Cronjobs”. Here you should be able to see the cron job “Ekomi Order Export”. This is the cron job that is set automatically when you installed the plugin. If that cron is not present then you can create it.

        To create “Ekomi Order Export” cron click “Add entry”. Now fill the form with the following fields:

        Name: Ekomi Order Export

        Action: EkomiExport

        Next Execution: According to your requirements.

        Interval: 1 hour (Max 50 orders being fetched per hour)

        Active: Checked

        Disable on Error: Checked

        Click “Save” to save the cron.

      A cron job setup inside Shopware will never execute if the Shopware cron has not been set up on the underlying server. This means that point 2 is dependent on point 1 to work.

    4. Display PRC widget

      1. Locate your file using FTP in your theme where you want the widget to be displayed. Place the PRC code in the desired location where you want the widget to be displayed. Also place the piece of code responsible for placing product_id or product_sku in the widget where it says productIdWillGoHere .Also place the code that will Clear the theme cache and refresh the page of your website.

      Will display as:

    4.3. Plugin installation Videos

    1. Installation Video (Admin Panel / Backend)

      1. Installation Video (FTP)`

  5. Plugin Information

    Maintenance status: Minimally maintained
    Development Status: Stable
    Downloads: 287
    Last modified: 2021-Aug-2

  6. Recommended releases

    VersionDownloadDateChange Logs
    2.9.4zip (15.5kB)2022-Jan-14Add param into core api.
    Update eKomi support email
    2.9.3zip (15.4kB)2021-Aug-2
    Update query criteria to fetch orders with status Open
    2.9.2zip (15.5 kB)2021-June-16
    • Bugs Fix
    • Code optimization
    2.9.1zip (15.6 kB)2021-April-12Disable PRC Widget fields from Plugin
    2.9.0zip (15.6 kB)2021-April-06Set default value to T&C to true
    2.8.0zip (15.5 kB)2021-February-19Add Field for Terms and Conditions.
    2.7.1zip (15.2 kB)2020-March-17Fixed issue with last order updated DateTime.
    2.7.0zip (16.2 kB)2020-February-17Cache Clear and Bugs Fix
    2.6.3zip (16.1 kB)2020-February-11Minor Bugs Fix
    2.6.2zip (16.1 kB)2019-December-06Removed Smart Check
    2.6.1zip (16.2 kB)2019-November-4Fix minor bug
    2.6.0zip (16.2 kB)2019-October-21Fixed compatibility on previous versions.
    2.5.2zip (15.5 kB)2019-September-03Minor Bugs and Issues Fixed
    2.5.1zip (15.4 kB)2019-August-30Compatibility with PHP 5.4
    2.5.0zip (15.3 kB)2019-August-29
    • Error Logging upon exception and Errors
    • Optimization in Cron for Export Data


    zip (14.9 kB)

    2019-August-09Fixed issue in getting the image path for an order item.


    zip (14.8 kB)

    2019-June-26Display reviews in smart widgets for variants.


    zip (14.6 kB)

    2019-May-30Code optimization


    zip (14.5 kB)

    2019-May-29Display reviews in smart widgets for variants.


    zip (14.4 kB)

    2019-May-14Fixes for language shops.


    zip (13.5 kB)

    • Fixed crontab exception in updating plugin to the new version.
    • Add option in Shopware plugin to select Ean as a product identifier along with id and SKU.
    2.1.2zip (12.8 kB)2018-Dec-28
    • Fixed non-existent service "shop" issue on export method Cron.
    • Code optimization

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