How to Get Started with WooCommerce (WordPress plugin) on Zapier

In the case when you want to use a Zapier integration with WooCommerce (WordPress) to send order information through Zapier to eKomi, you can do this. Keep in mind that the only implementation part handled by eKomi is the eKomi Zapier integration. Other Zapier integrations are handled by their own third parties. The following guide is an example implementation.

1. Download Zapier WordPress plugin :

Before you get started creating a Zap with WordPress, you’ll need to install the Zapier WordPress plugin.

  1. First, navigate to Add New in the plugin dashboard in WordPress.

  2. Search for Zapier for WordPress.

  3. Click Install Now.

  4. Activate the plugin on the plugin dashboard.

More details are available on the plugin Installation instructions here:

2. Creating a user account for Zapier (optional)

We recommend creating a brand new user, just for Zapier before connecting your WordPress account to Zapier. Please feel free to skip to Step 3 Connecting WordPress to Zapier if you wish not to create a user account. To create a new user, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your WordPress admin.

  2. Click Users.

  3. Click Invite New.

  4. Click Invite+.

  5. Add zapier as the username and generate a secure password.

  6. For role, you can choose Admin if you want Zapier to be able to do anything to your blog. We generally recommend Editor, but you can read more about WordPress User Roles if you like.

  7. Click Send Invitation and that's it for this section

3. Connecting WooCommerce to Zapier

When you start creating a WooCommerce Zap, you will be asked to connect your WooCommerce account. (this example is related to the paid third party Zapier integration for WooCommerce )


When you create your first WooCommerce Zap, you will be asked to choose your WooCommerce account.

The authentication process involves the service connecting to your WooCommerce store using your WordPress administrator username and password.

Please ensure you complete the authentication dialogue window correctly:

  • In the Website URL field, enter the URL to your WooCommerce store’s homepage. Be sure the URL starts with https:// and do not include the trailing slash.
    For example: or

  • In the Username field, enter your administrator username or email address that you use when logging into the WordPress dashboard.

  • In the Password field, create an Application Password for your WordPress administrator account, and enter it here.

Next, you'll be asked to enter your WordPress Base URL, Username and Password. The Base URL will be the full publicly accessible WordPress URL e.g.


Click the Yes, Continue button to complete the process.

Congratulations, you have successfully authenticated!

4. Send data from WooCommerce to Zapier

Trigger (Outgoing Connection)

This feature allows you to send WooCommerce data to a Zapier Zap.

Step 1: Trigger step

  1. In the Choose App & Event step, search for the WooCommerce app and click it.

  2. Select the Resource (data type) in the Choose Trigger Event dropdown — for example, Order if you would like to send WooCommerce orders to Zapier.

  3. In the Choose Account step, click on Sign in to WooCommerce button to authenticate your Zapier account with your WooCommerce store.
    If you already authenticated, you can choose the previously used authentication from the WooCommerce account dropdown menu instead.

  4. Select a Trigger Rule from the Trigger Rule dropdown to choose which event start your zap. For example, Order created. See here for details on which Trigger Rule to use.

  5. In the Find Data step, click the Test & Continue button to retrieve sample data from your WooCommerce store.

Find Data:

When retrieving sample data from your store, it isn’t contextual to the Trigger Rule you have chosen for the Zap. Find Data simply retrieves your most recent store data (regardless of status) when getting sample data.

However, once you turn on your Zap, the trigger rule will apply and should only send relevant data to Zapier.

Step 2: Action step

  1. In the Choose App & Event step, choose a service to send your WooCommerce data to.

  2. Finish configuring the Action step. Please see Zapier’s instructions on setting up your Zap action for more details.

Step 3: Finishing Zap


After the above steps, now you are able to send data from WooCommerce to Zapier.

Add a webhook URL of plugins-dashboard as given in the image above.
Now place a test order by editing this:

{   "shop_id": "Your eKomi Shop Id",   "interface_password": "eKomi Shop Intefrace password",   "mode": "email",   "product_reviews": 0,   "order_data": {     "sender_name": "Test",     "sender_email": "",     "id": "",     "date_time": "2019-08-17 08:03:44",     "has_products": "0",     "customer": {       "customer_id": "1",       "first_name": "",       "last_name": "test",       "salutation": "",       "screen_name": "username",       "customer_email": "",       "country_code": "PK",       "telephone": ""     }   } }

Add your eKomi Shop ID and Interface password in it and place a test order. Keep in mind that you need to use a new order ID for every test order you create. If the record goes to plugins-dashboard database, it means that Zapier sends data successfully to our backend and the webhook is working fine.
Now add dynamic values for the id (order id), first_name, last_name and so on. Make sure that you add dynamic values for the API parameters in order to work properly. Afterwards place an order from WordPress (WooCommerce) and it will automatically come to Zapier, since we have integrated Zapier with WooCommerce, and then from Zapier a record will go to plugins-dashboard database as we have set dynamic values in the API parameters “api/v1/order”.