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 May 21,2019

New Features
  1. There is a new API(version 3) in SFF which will return tags of specified shop.
  2. A new webhook is integrated in SFF to submit reviews to Feedback Engagement App as well.
  1. There is a new parameter "status" added in get Questions V2 api to get inactive(deleted) questions as well of specified form.
  2. Now if a ranking scale will have range 0-10 (NPS) then "NPS" tag will be automatically assigned to that question on saving.
  3. A new configuration is added in Webhook's edit popup at admin panel to active/inactive added webhooks.
Technical optimizations
  1. Instance type of RDS of SFF production database is upgraded now.
  2. select2 library was not working with production gulp. This is fixed now.
Major Bug Fixes
  1. Form settings were not saving properly when user had multiple roles at ekomi connect. This issue is fixed now.
  2. SRR metadata in nested array was casing exception on SFF form opening. This issue is fixed now by allowing only first level JSON.
  3. There was a bugsnag exception when we link conditional callback with option and then delete the option from form builder. This is fixed now.
  4. Metadata from SRR was not loading on thankyou pages. This issue is fixed now.
  5. Font sizes in advanced settings of ranking scale were reseting to default when "custom" is selected. This is fixed now.

 April 24,2019

New Features
  1. Now shop owner can make reviewer to skip any form and redirect to added URLs or forms in callbacks by enabling "Enable skip form" checkbox in form settings.
  1. There is a new parameter added in get Answers V3 api to get reviews of child shops.
  2. Now if a user have "SFF_EDIT_REVIEW" rights at ekomi connect, then that user can edit "Pros and cons" question as well.
  3. Email count and timestamp was not added in failed review email. Now both are added and email address in alert message is also updated.
  4. Placeholder text, help text and breadcrumb text(inactive) colors are moved from secondary to primary colors in form settings. Similarly "Breadcrumb text" and "Submit button" colors are moved to primary colors.
  5. Also from now onwards, primary color will be #363636 and secondary color will be #20356d by default for new forms.
Technical optimizations
  1. Directory structure of JS files in improved now.
Major Bug Fixes
  1. Chain was not working with conditional callbacks. This issue is fixed now.

 March 26,2019

New Features
  1. Now shop owner will have an alert message at "Manage Surveys" page if there will be any failed review against that specific shop.
  2. There is a new API for collecting "Last login" and "Last review received" time for specified shop.
  3. A new configuration is provided in shop's edit page to submit reviews to Tagging tool App. And then Tagging App will submit reviews to core after moderation.
  1. Thankyou page become fade out after some seconds when widget was being used as embedded. Now user can allow thankyou page to be displayed as well
  2. Now ReviewHash/OrderId required checkbox will be off by default for new shops.
  3. On enabling "Tooltips as shape" checkbox in ranking scale, tooltips dropdown have shapes name as well now.
  4. When "NPS" is selected in ranking scale, then user can change "scale type" as well now.
Technical optimizations
  1. "Preview Form" feature is removed from form listing and admin panel now.
  2. While saving form & field settings of form, some settings were being saved as "True/false" and some with "0/1". Now all form settings will save with "0/1".
  3. "order meta data" table is removed from Database now because it had no use in SFF.
  4. JS and CSS are versioned now for actual form and form builder both.
  5. Sessions are moved to "Redis" now on all Servers.
  6. Implicit laravel sessions are removed from API(s).
Major Bug Fixes
  1. Simple callbacks were not working for all forms types. This issue is fixed now.
  2. Color code text field of color pickers in ranking scale were not editable in Firefox browser. This issue is fixed now.
  3. Tooltip colors were changing on saving ranking scale when "NPS" is selected. This issue is fixed now.

 February 26,2019

New Features
  1. New UI for form settings popup has been integrated now.
  2. New UI has been integrated now for all question fields popup. 
Technical optimizations
  1. Step breaker field type was not being used in SFF, so field and its related code is removed now.
  2. Short text when used as email, "type" key is also being stored against that field in database now.
  3. Url encoding is applied on order ids now.
Major Bug fixes
  1. Review link expiration was not working in some scenarios, now this issue is fixed by checking expiration of form opening and on form submission as well.
  2. "&" and "/" signs in orders were causing error, this issue is fixed now.

 January 24,2019

New Features
  1. Now, user can user the SFF's putOrder API as well to register the orders however, core's putOrder is till working as before
  2. There are few more APIs developed in symphony
    1. addProduct: to add product in previous order
    2. deleteProduct: to delete a specific product link with an order
    3. updateOrderMetaData: to update meta data in orders table
  1. Barometer's default content size and color has been updated at barometer in order to make it look better
  2. Multilingual default content has been added at barometer for German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese languages
  3. In V2 answers API start and end date parameters have been extended to accept the date and time, however user can still use the parameters with date only
Technical optimizations
  1. There was an API "createReview" which was not in use by anyone so, that has been removed from system
  2. Logging of 0 payload at backend has been removed since it has served its purpose
  3. Duplicate browser languages were logging at backend, this has been fixed by adding the unique constraint 
  4. New tables are introduced at backend to comprehend the SFF putOrder and now other tables are using product as reference
  5. All data in other tables have been adjusted with respect to the change of product reference key
Major Bug fixes
  1. A scenario in which user was able to mark the mandatory question as dynamic has been fixed
  2. There was a design issue in case of conditional question with tags option, fixed now
  3. System was storing null rating value in a specific scenario, this has been fixed and system will not store any longer
  4. Null rating values were causing error at API and export reviews, those values have been removed
  5. Due to impact of some code change, background color was not reflecting at forms, which has been fixed
  6. Use of slash in orderID was causing issue at "show review details" , fixed now

 January 2,2019

New Features

  1. To measure the quality of feedback, a configuration of barometer is provided with feedback field at seller and product form


  1. For 404, 500 and 503 errors, new pages have been integrated
  2. From now on wards, only "Settings" option will be in enabled state for default language at "Custom Strings" popup

Technical optimizations

  1. Option of reviews submission to CFM2 and related webhook have been removed from system
  2. "ImportLocationInformation" and  "UpdateBrowserVersions" commands have been removed since completed their job
  3. Removed some useless code related to activity stream

Major Bug fixes

  1. An issue related to queues has been fixed
  2. There was issue in # being used in review hash, fixed now
  3. In a specific scenario there was an issue with breadcrumb, fixed in this release

 December 6,2018

New Features

  1. Shop owner can now tag the sub-rankings as well, these tags will return in Symphony based Questions API

Technical optimizations

  1. Renamed some of the services in code to keep the consistency

Major Bug fixes

  1. "System message" translations were not reflecting at error pages in a specific scenario, fixed in this release
  2. In a particular case error message was incorrect at emailbox, fixed now
  3. An issue related to thanks page deletion has been fixed
  4. A check to validate reviewHash was missing, which is fixed now

 November 15,2018

New Features

  1. A new API end point in Symphony has been created to mask personal data like first name, last name, email etc against an order id
  2. Just like questions, options can also be tagged for dropdown, multiple choice and yes/no type questions, these tags will return in Symphony Questions API


  1. SRR metadata placeholders are now applicable at "feedback already given" and "Review link has expired" pages too
  2. Default header and footer logos were blurry before but now these have been replaced with .svg files to improve the display
  3. A new configuration "Turn off fonts loading for ranking scale" is provided at form settings, by enabling this SF form will fallback to star images if setting "Font download" at IE would be disabled, before this improvement the ranking scale shapes were tend to disappear at IE due to this setting

Technical optimizations

  1. DB structure has been improved by normalizing the order_id and due to this all the relevant code has been refactored and all the relevant data in DB has been adjusted accordingly
  2. Code has been optimized in a way that from now on wards it will use form_field_type_key instead of form_field_type_id
  3. Code related to "email" param in query string has been optimized
  4. Before system was storing 0 against "rating converted value" for the fields other than ranking scale, but now, it will store "null" against them
  5. A useless script related to "form_analytics_stats" has been removed from backend
  6. Now, system will store "type" key against short text field when email validation is on and code has been updated accordingly 

Major Bug fixes

  1. Due to some impact "filter" parameter at "Export reviews" was not working fine, this has been fixed in this release

 October 25,2018

New Features

  1. Now, "email" parameter can also be passed in the form URL and widget to show pre-filled email address to the reviewer 


  1. SRR and product placeholders are allowed to be used in ranking scale placeholder label as well.
  2. SFF admin portal can be embedded in iframe, header will not be shown in iframe and there are some other design adjustments
  3. CSRF protection has been disabled for IFF (in case of disabled cookies) so, reviewer won't face issue in submitting the review in particular scenarios

Technical optimizations

  1. Grafana dashboard is integrated for SFF Reloaded as well.

Major Bug fixes

  1. In a particular scenario there was an error on selecting "Options" from "custom strings" under "translation type", this issue is fixed now
  2. In case of multilingual , system was not populating the translations of default language in custom string popup, issue is fixed in this release
  3. There was a glitch that minimum characters check was not working properly with "Allow not to answer" functionality,the issue has been fixed 
  4. Remaining products text was not updating as per selected language at actual form in IE11. Now issue is fixed.

 October 4,2018

New Features

  1. Admin is provided with a functionality to edit reviews for shops, in general any user with role "SFF_CAN_EDIT_REVIEW" can edit reviews
  2. A new API "formQuestions" is provided in symphony which will return questions against given form id


  1. Deep link functionality has been extended to "Conditional callback" in this release
  2. Shop owner can select a default country code for phone number field to be shown as pre-selected at form load
  3. "Manage templates" tab at admin panel has been upgraded with two more columns "Review Type" and "Category" along with filters, and admin can also clone the templates
  4. At shop panel, "Number of opened and completed forms" can be seen at forms listing page

Technical optimizations

  1. All duplicated queries which system executes on form opening have been removed and this will result in less load time of form
  2. Code is more optimized now, because system will not generate JSON by string concatenation in Javascript and php

Major Bug fixes

  1. While creating form use of slash(/ , \) in form title was causing an error, this has been fixed
  2. There was an issue related to chain creation at form builder level, fixed now
  3. SF forms were not showing the banner related to disabled cookies or local storage at IE 10 and 11, fixed in this release
  4. An issue related to custom string caused due to duplication of data, has been fixed

 September 5,2018

New Features

  1. A new tab "Manage Question Tags" introduced at shop's dashboard. User can create, edit and delete tags in this tab and can link these tags with questions at form builder.
  2. Now, user can also add deep links as callback, configuration is provided at form settings popup. 


  1. Review link expiry was for Seller and product type forms. Now, it is implemented for MRF type forms as well.
  2. At yes_no edit popup, a configuration is provided to make first option as selected by default.
  3. A new key "no_of_days_in_expiration" will return as well in getForms (Symphony) API.
  4. From now onwards system will also save and return the OS version in formsActivityStreams (Symphony) API.

Technical optimizations

  1. Extra columns are removed from translations and form_activity_streams tables.
  2. A proper mechanism is implemented for translations which exist in both "Custom Strings" and "System messages" with precedence.
  3. Useless code related to "console command to get order by hash" has been removed.
  4. New tables have been set up for reviewer's location information and code is refactored accordingly.
  5. eKomi connect's v3 api has been integrated with SFF login.

Major Bug fixes

  1. "Cookies and/or local storage disable" was not showing up at form, fixed now.
  2. There was a scenario where system was saving user (without shop at ekomi Connect) at back-end, but now this has been fixed.
  3. System was allowing to hit form builder save routes via GET request, which was causing error. This issue is fixed now.
  4. Simultaneously saving of question options along with translations was causing issue. This issue is fixed now.

 August 10,2018

New Feature

  1. A configuration "Collect system information" is provided at system settings, which is used to collect Reviewer's system information
  2. Following APIs are developed in symphony :
    login : returns access token to access all other APIs.
    getForms : returns id, name, type and logo URL of given form id.
    FormActivityStream : returns all the information collected with "collect system information" configuration
    shops : returns shop's information like id, interface_id and interface_password.


  1. Shop owner can organize options in groups for dropdown question. For this a configuration "Group-able options" is provided at dropdown field settings
  2. "Total" caption of ranking scale is multilingual at form level now. Shop owner can also make this caption multilingual through "Custom Strings" at form builder
  3. Shop owner can add details/description of the product to load on mandatory ranking scale for product forms. A ck-editor is provided in Custom strings labeled as product_description.

Technical optimizations

  1. All unnecessary/extra columns have been removed from forms table now.

Major Bug fixes

  1. Review form in chain of (product→seller) was getting stuck in loop if empty/invalid product is used. This issue is fixed now.
  2. Default products were registering with new orders in case of seller type or product forms without product IDs. Now this issue is fixed

 July 23,2018


  1. Now Failed reviews cron will only retry those reviews which are temporary failed and undelivered instead of retrying permanently failed reviews for previous day.
  2. From now onwards, SFF will send the link creation date as "ordertimestamp" to core.
  3. "Skip this product", "remaining characters", "minimum characters" error and "characters limit reached" error messages are now configurable in System Messages against a shop.
  4. Withdraw API can withdraw review against order_id as well now.

Technical optimizations

  1. Number of SQL queries which system executes on form opening have been reduced and this will result in less load time of form.
  2. Legacy code and unnecessary data related to Thank you page have been removed in this release
  3. Ranking Scale's Tooltips storing mechanism is Optimized now.

Major Bug fixes

  1. Sub-ranking's tooltip was reflecting in matrix layout for mobile view instead of parent ranking scale's tooltip without enabling "Different tooltip for sub-rankings". This issue is fixed now.
  2. For default footer, system was not showing up the translations if not added in system messages. Now this issue is fixed.
  3. Submit to core & Validation rules checkboxes were reflecting in Long text question popup, fixed now

 July 05,2018

New Features
  1. Shop owner can add a placeholder in freetext component which links the form of other shop, so, when reviewer clicks at that link it open with same orderID
  2. A configuration is provided at product type form to hide/show the product name at review form
  3. A configuration is provided at form settings through which Shop owner can load meta matrix data from core to SFF's "Product" type forms
  1. A few more languages have been added to SFF
  2. Now, picture component's buttons and error message will show up in the form's default language
  3. Email address restriction has been removed to push first/last name at core
Major Bug fixes
  1. There was a functional issue while removing the sentiment value from option, fixed in this release
  2. Product breadcrumb was not handling product ID/s with spaces, this has been fixed
  3. Due to some impact, shop owner was not able to add new option after saving sub-ranking(as dropdown), this is fixed now
  4. First name and/or last name fields were not submitting to core with combination of "email box", this is fixed

 June 13,2018

New Feature

  1. Short text can be used as "first name" and "last name" to be submitted at ekomi core. First name and email must be given by reviewer in order to submit first name and/or last name at core.


  1. A new shape "Flame" is integrated into ranking scale now.
  2. A new language "Portuguese" is integrated into Smart Forms now.
  3. Now text for pending product reviews is configurable. Shop owner can configure text as per requirement in settings section of "Custom Strings".

Major Bug fixes

  1. Conditional questions were not opening on AxA formula. This issue is fixed now.
  2. User was unable to do login in case if no direct shop is associated with that user. This issue is fixed now.
  3. Ranking scale was reflecting in segmented view with Matrix layout when settings were disabled. Now this issue is fixed.
  4. Content was not maintaining in RTL layout when there were forms in callbacks. It is fixed now.
  5. "font size" and "font color" were not reflecting for sub rankings when used as dropdown list. This issue is fixed now.
  6. Form was throwing exception when there was product form with empty product in callback of seller form. This issue is now fixed.
  7. Delete icon was not reflecting with cloned question before saving the form. This issue is fixed now.

 May 31,2018

New Feature

  1. Thank you page is now independent of forms and can be managed under "Manage Thank You Pages" tab. Shop owner can link a form with thank you page through form settings, where he/she can set them as simple callback or as conditional callback.
  2. Shop owner can now show asterisks (*) with required fields to increase the usability of the form. For this, a configuration is provided at "form settings"
  3. Ranking scale can be shown as "Segmented view". For this, a configuration is provided in settings of ranking scale. This view will only work when ranking scale is in Matrix layout and have no sub ranking.
  4. Shop owner, can now setup different tooltip for each sub ranking by enabling "show tooltip of sub-questions" checkbox from settings of ranking scale.
  5. Now, "yes_no" question can be shown as a toggle button as well. This feature works if "Show as flip button" checkbox is enabled and there are only two options.


  1. Now, user can add custom html in free_text question type as well. For this, "Source" button is added in Free_text question type.

Technical optimizations

  1. SFF calls some ekomi APIs to get information like product, review hash etc. All APIs were being used with http://, now SFF is accessing them with https:// .
  2. Now workers will restart automatically on occurrence of any connection issue with RabbitMQ.
  3. Refactoring of code is done which is related to some tasks of this release.

Major Bug fixes

  1. System was used to generate wrong product hash upon use of spaces inbetween product IDs. Now, it will automatically trim the spaces inbetween IDs upon form opening.
  2. Conditional callbacks were not maintaining their state on saving form settings. This issue is fixed now.
  3. Local storage was not working properly for conditional questions on AxA formula. This issue is fixed now.

 May 08,2018

New Feature

  1. A new feature "Question cloning" provided at form builder through which shop owner can clone any question within the same form
  2. Shop owner can set the different color for each shape in the range of ranking scale
  3. A new configuration "Apply thick border" provided at ranking scale setting popup, enabling this make the shape's border thick at review form
  4. Another configuration "Minimum one sub-question required" provided at ranking scale setting popup, reviewer is no longer bound to answer all of the sub-questions to a mandatory ranking scale if enabled by shop owner
  5. Along with dynamic questions, now "dynamic options" is introduced for product type forms. Shop owner can show options dynamically on form for the reviewer on the basis of key and values from SRR get Recipient API


  1. Now, shop owner can enable/disable the "Skip product review" option from review form, for this a configuration is provided at form settings popup of product type form
  2. A new font style "Frankfurter" is added in the font styles provided at form settings popup
  3. V3 answers api will also return question tags in response and a parameter "question_tag" is also provided which filter out the questions with specific question tag in response

Technical optimizations

  1. Refactored all class B files to Class A
  2. Removed useless and duplicated assets, and now using assets from single path

Major Bug fixes

  1. Due to some impact "submit reviews to CFM1.0" option at admin panel got unselected for some shops, this has been fixed
  2. Click above or below any field setting popup was causing an issue, which is fixed now
  3. In a specific scenario SFF was assigning two shops to a single user, but now it has been restricted to 1-1 relation

 April 17,2018

New Feature

  1. A new feature called "Multiview hierarchy" is introduced which let the parent shop to view all of its children shops (parent-child relation as created at ekomiConnect) and user can also edit the shop settings and login as child shop

  2. A new end point V3 for getShopAnswers is created which returns all of the children shop reviews as well when hit with parent shop credentials

  3. A new API "getChild" is launched which returns the child form/question ID when hit with child shop credentials along with parent form and/or question ID
  4. Shop owner is able to label all the questions contained in a form in order to give them meaning and then can get data as per labels from APIs like getQuestions for further analysis

  5. Shop owner can set the input text color, this setting is provided in form settings popup at form builder

  6. Shop owner can now add custom CSS in any form in order to do some customization, the setting is provided at form setting

  7. For product breadcrumb shop owner can now set the colors for reviewed and skipped product's breadcrumb icons

  8. For ranking scale shop owner is able to set the colors for each shape separately for selected and unselected states


  1. Now, product name will be shown fully at form, even it will get wrapped if lengthy
  2. Two new parameters "status" and "include" have been introduced in getShopForms API, "status" is to filter out the active or deleted forms and "include" is to show status and/or callback keys in response

  3. A new language "Danish" is added in system .i.e for locale , form language .etc

  4. System will show the breadcrumb labels at any step in chain with each form's own label, before it was showing the active form's label in whole chain

  5. A new configuration for mobile's matrix layout is provided called " Show single item in a row" which shows the sub-rankings in one column at mobile view

Major bug fixes

  1. Due to some impact, ranking scale's matrix layout got slightly disturbed when used as conditional question, this is fixed now

  2. When dropdown option got selected, system was not showing the same option as conditional question's heading (AXA forumla), working fine now

 March 27,2018

New Feature
  1. Now, shop owner is able to show dropdown as sub-rating question, so, reviewer can select specific option for rating
  2. A new feature "dynamic questions" is introduced for the product type form. Dynamic questions are the questions which shop owner wants to be shown to the reviewer dynamically on the basis of key and values 
  3. Shop owner can set thank you page's header/footer too at form level and as well shop level

With respect to "dropdown as sub-rating question" feature, there are following changes in APIs

  1. getQuestions, getAnswers, formAnswers and answerDetails V1 APIs have been updated 
  2. getAnswers, formAnswers, answerDetails, updateReview V2 APIs have been updated 
  3. A new parameter "show_multiple_question_labels" is introduced in getQuestions and getQuestiondetails V2 APIs 
      4. export CSV feature has been updated too
Major bug fixes
  1. After shop cloning, admin was not able to login as shop until login with ekomi connect once (which was done deliberately). This has been reverted and now, admin can login
  2. Due to some impact, user was able to open different forms with same review hash, this has been fixed 
  3. There were a couple of issues with dropdown at 404 page, all have been fixed in this release
  4. At IE , ranking scale with matrix layout was showing dots when used as conditional question, works fine now
  5. Due to some issue in local storage, conditional questions were not opening at page refresh. This is fixed 
  6. Conditional callback in 2nd hierarchical level was not working correctly, now, it work fine

February 28, 2018

New Feature

  1. SSO/SAML is now integrated for SFF AxA instance.
  2. As a shop owner, user can add Sentiments (tagsagainst options. This feature can be used for multiple choice questions, Dropdown and Yes/no question types.
  3. As a shop owner, now user can allow customers to have a nicely presented and clear flow while reviewing the multiple products. Customer can also skip any product while giving review if there are more than one product in chain.
  1. A new language "Norwegian" is integrated into Smart Forms now.
  2. "getAnswers V2" has a new parameter "show_skipped_product_reviews" which will return the skipped product/s as well when passed with 1 value in API.
  3. Now there is a new filter in "getAnswers V2" API "order_ids[]" to get records of more than one order id. Maximum 10 order ids are allowed in one request.
  4. "getQuestions V2" and "getQuestionDetails" APIs will also return the sentiment key in response
  5. There is a new key in "shopDetails V2" API for CFM 2.0 settings enabled/disabled.
Technical optimizations
  1. Create Account API and form cloning is now handled via message queue.
  2. Any image/s used in system will now load from repository.
  3. There was a 404 error for file/resource at form, this is fixed by placing static resources in repository.
Major bug fixes
  1. After VPC migration sorting filters and pagination was not working. This issue is fixed now. 
  2. Export CSV was not working fine for aggregated review with "Forms" filter, it is working fine now.
  3. Submit button was getting stuck at submission of research question if sync with campaigns. Submission is working fine now.
  4. If a form was opened in 2 tabs and review is submitted from other tab, then form was directing to thankyou page instead of Feedback Already Given page. This issue is fixed now.
  5. "circle with number" shape type was missing for tooltip dropdown. It is fixed now.
  6. "'Allow not to Answer' font size " option was showing for main rating as well. This issue is fixed now.
  7. Create Account V2 api was throwing gateway timeout error. This is fixed now.
  8. There was a validation error at survey edit page that if user edits the Survey, system validates its tittle with itself and gives error message of unique tittle name, which is fixed now.
  9. Users were duplicating while cloning shop. Now this issue is fixed by applying unique indexing.
  10. System was consistently showing error at login page if user role was not assigned. Now this issue is fixed.
  11. Tooltip font size was not reflecting in mobile view for Matrix layout. This issue is fixed now.
  12. At admin side, ordering at title and language is was not working. This is fixed now.

February 06, 2018

New Feature

  1. Configuration is provided at shop side to track the IP address of reviewers, admin can also configure this for each shop separately
  1. Now, "question_id" parameter can also be passed along with "starRating"/"star_rating" in form URL to show pre-selected ranking scale to the reviewer  
  2. New parameters "show_child_questions" and "show_conditional_questions" have been provided in getQuestions API
  3. getQuestions API will also show "min_range" and "max_range" keys with "ranking scale" type questions in response
  4. getShopForms API will also show "is_default" and "is_default_form_of_default_survey" keys with each form in result set
  5. Aggregation was not done for "Export reviews" feature, which has been implemented in this release
  6. Now, questionStats API will also return the stats of ranking scale's child questions
Technical optimizations
  1. Actual form has been optimized resulting in better page speed
  2. Now, the queue driver has been changed to RabbitMQ from Beanstalk
Major bug fixes
  1. An issue occurred that user's custom link in-place of "privacy" was not showing up at thankyou page, which is fixed now
  2. Two column long text when used as condition question was showing cannot answer option, issue is fixed
  3. There was scrolling issue(particular case) at actual form on error message, fixed in this release
  4. Live server was throwing errors due to some of VPC's infrastructure, which have been fixed now
  5. "Parent rating" option was showing for "constant sum" too, that has been removed

January 23, 2018

New features

  1. "Aggregate reviews" feature provided, so, a shop owner can view the aggregated data of parent and its children shops
  2. For "submit or back and forth navigation" buttons, user can select the 
    1. font's style, size and color 
    2. button's corner radius and letters formation style
  3. New API "Review Stats Summary" introduced to show the "Total Review Count", "Average Rating" and "Total Review Count with one | two | three | four | five star rating" and this API works on 12 hours caching 
  4. A new API "Question Stats" provided, this API will return "Question ID", "Question Type", "Possible options" and "stats of option id | count"
Improvements / feature enhancement
  1. New parameters "product_id" and "order_id" have been provided in shopAnswers V2 API, with "product_id" user will be able to fetch the product specific reviews 
  2. Improvements are done for shopAnswers API response, and now, it will also show "field_to_submit_on_ekomi" key for conditional questions and "cloned_from" to show the parent ID of forms and fields
  3. New parameters "empty_form", "survey_id" and "survey_status" have been provided in "shopForms" API
  4. Now, user can also add 'ip_address' key in "createReview" API and system will save the provided IP address
  5. "is_required" key will not update in already given reviews. So, Questions, Question details and Answers APIs will show the original value of this key for each review which was stored at the time review was submitted
  6. Dutch translation for "Remaining Characters" added to language file
Technical optimizations
  1. Now, system will remove the record from "review_form_states" instantly upon completion of a survey and all previous records with "completed" status have been removed from table
  2. System was maintaining the domain history of widgets which is not required anymore so, the table has been removed and code has been updated accordingly
  3. "session_start()" calls have been removed from code 
Major Bug fixes
  1. Fixed a bug where "pros and cons" was not saving in database when loaded from local storage, it was due to scrutinizer fixes impact
  2. Due to some reason "show numeric rating" and "show caption for total" checkboxes at ranking scale started working dependently, the issue is fixed and both work independently now
  3. There were some design issues related to "Shop language" and "Miscellaneous" tab, fixed in this release
  4. Option translations were not reflecting correct on actual form, fixed now
  5. System was not un-setting the previous default form after completion of AB testing, issue has been fixed 
  6. There was an issue with copy paste & remaining character count on text fields, now, it works fine 
  7. Due to Scrutinizer fixes impact, at thanks page form level custom header was showing up at position of footer, which is fixed 

January 1, 2018

New features

  1. Now short text question type can be used to take numeric input only. When numeric validation will be enabled, user can enter digits only in the field.
  2.  Now If shop owner will log-out from Shop, he/she will be able to login with different credentials immediately without closing the window or reopening the login screen.
Improvements / feature enhancement
  1. Answers Api will have another parameter of "IP". This parameter will have Ip address of system from where review is submitted.
  2. Now form language will also submit to core along with review in import API so that core able to know the language of the review.
  3. Questions, Question details and Answers APIs will now have a parameter "is_required" which will be true if question is required at form builder and false if optional.
Technical optimizations
  1. There were some code related changes for Create Review Api and Update Review Api.
  2. Refactoring is done for all Class F files to Class A to improve Scrutinizer score.
Major Bug fixes
  1. Feedback Email when used with conditional questions was returning 2 times in answers Api. This issue is fixed now.
  2. Ascending/Descending filters were not working at some pages with "records per page" filter. Now filters are working fine.
  3. Answers Api was showing negative value in "published_at" parameter. This issue is fixed now.
  4. Form with default language other than english was not showing custom header/footer at error pages. This issue is fixed now.
  5. In Update Review Api, "field_to_submit_on_ekomi" key was not updating for email which is sent to ekomi if it was "no_answer" : true at the time of review submission. This issue if fixed now.

December 14, 2017

New features

  1. CFM2.0 integration with SFF is done, and that configuration is available at admin panel for each shop. Now, system send reviews to CFM2.0, if that is enabled by admin for a specific shop.
  2. Along with CFM2.0 an API "updateReview" has been developed too, which let the shop owner to submit and update reviews from CFM2.0 to core.
  3. Now there is "Export Reviews as CSV" functionality in SFF interface. User can export reviews as per set filters(Start date, End date, form ID, question ID, Published, Withdrawn etc.) and export results in a csv file.
  4. There is a new API now to upload assets for a given shop. Currently this API is only for "images" to upload on S3. User can upload one file at a time to S3.
Improvements / feature enhancement
  1. An extended version of Review submission API is introduced now. User can submit review for seller/product/MRF with all question types using this API.
  2. Flow of custom header and footer is improved. Custom header and footer are easily override-able in forms now.
  3. Minimum characters limit for text fields like Short text, Long text and Feedback will now work as configured in field's setting at form builder.By default "minimum characters limit" will be enabled and set to 3. User can update anytime later as per requirement.
  4. All conditional questions in getQuestions API response will return as normal questions listed. New key"is_conditional_question"will listed in question object to differentiate conditional and normal questions. (true for conditional questions, false for normal questions)
  5. getQuestions API was not showing email field. Now getQuestions API will have email field in questions if exists on form.
Technical optimizations
  1. Major issues in Scrutinizer are fixed.
  2. Database indexing is applied on all fields from all tables on which we are querying in the where clause. 
  3. Delete shop API is removed from SFF. Now if user want to delete a shop, this can only be done from Administrator.
  4. Some constraints are added on feedback table (form_id, order_id, product_id).
  5. Data will be hard deleted from 'temp_feedback_data' when review is successfully stored in feedback and feedback_details table. Also already placed data is hard deleted too.
  6. Now SFF is setup with CloudFormation and Puppet in the new CPV env.
Major Bug fixes
  1. There were reviews in Database with "failed" status. A cron was implemented to publish those reviews to core and if review is still failed, it is placed in Database with failure reason.
  2. RTL layout on the actual form was messing up the phone number validation dropdown and input fields for short text. This issue is fixed now.
  3. Form name was not updating in successfully saved message when newly created and also in V1 answers API (csv format). Now this issue is fixed.
  4. ShopAnswers API V1 was throwing error if date was invalid. Now this issue is fixed.
  5. Short text field when used as email was not submitting email at core. This issue is fixed now.
  6. Minimum characters field was not getting disabled when email / phone number checkbox was enabled. Now this issue is fixed.
  7. Short text question when used as Email was not sending email to core. This issue is fixed now.
  8. It was observed that when user drag the click event on ranking scale icons, It does not reflect the value in mapper and in total rating(number). And mapper was not working in this scenario. This issue is fixed now.

November 07, 2017

New features

  1. New API "Create Review" is introduced to submit reviews for seller, product and MRF.
  2. Now there is a new API for form statistics.
  3. Conditional questions are now integrated with multiple choice and dropdown questions as well.
Improvements / feature enhancement
  1. At login page, message is updated under login button.
  2. Pagination is applied in CSV format as well for getAnswers API, to make response time better.
  3. Submission process of reviews is upgraded now.
Technical optimizations
  1. Now there is a Cron to submit failed reviews for previous day to eKomi, which are placed in Database.
  2. Bugsnag is now integrated with staging environment also. 
  3. eKomi's import API is now used to submit reviews to core for seller and product.
  4. Code for resetting conditional questions is refactored now.
  5. There is a new column in feedback table to store review submission response message from ekomi core import API.
Major Bug fixes
  1. Any invalid URL was throwing an exception, now it will be directed to an error page.
  2. getAnswers API was returning 504 error, now this issue is fixed.
  3. Conditional questions were not unlinking from YES/NO field options when deleted field settings in form builder, now this issue is fixed.
  4. There was a console error at form opening, now this issue is fixed.
  5. Axa formula was working for 1 and 2 value of range instead of working for first 2 indexes of range. This issue is fixed now.
  6. Datepicker was not multilingual according the default language. Now this issue is fixed.

October 16, 2017

New features

  1. A new field type "Datepicker" is available now at form builder and all relevant APIs are updated accordingly
  2. Feature to clone survey is now operational
  3. Swagger implemented for V2 APIs
Improvements / feature enhancement
  1. At "Multiple Choice" an enhancement is done, .i.e user can select a maximum number of options which reviewer can select
  2. "Font" and "background" color pickers which were provided at form settings are now applicable at form too
  3. Meta Data from SRR can be replaced in a case insensitive manner now
  4. System will accept the unique survey titles only from now onwards
  5. V1 answers and shopAnswers APIs were taking too much time incase of enormous records, so, pagination is applied for V1 APIs and default records_per_page value has been changed to 20 for both V1 and V2 APIs
  6. "Cookies disclaimer" and "Cookies disabled notification" banners have been made multilingual in this release
Major Bug fixes
  1. In a specific scenario of ranking scale system was showing "Cannot Answer" checkbox at responsive view even though it was disabled, the issue is fixed now
  2. System was not showing updated form title at listing and API result set, but now it shows updated title
  3. Conditional question were not used to deselected on cancellation of popup, the issue is fixed in this release
  4. A couple of design issues related to "phone number" field at form builder and actual form are fixed
  5. RTL language based forms were not maintaining the local storage for picture field, this issue has also been resolved 
  6. "Cookies disclaimer" and "Cookies disabled notification" banners overlapping issue fixed
  7. At conditional callback settings, a random "+" icon was appearing, but it does not appear anymore
  8. Email box show/hide validation criteria fixed for a specific scenario of conditional questions
  9. In a specific scenario of cannot answer with formula, there was a rendering issue of conditional question, fixed now

October 02, 2017

New features

  1. A configuration is provided at widget code popup to use widgets as embeddable forms
  2. At "System settings > miscellaneous" page a configuration "Cookie Agreement Banner" is provided to ON or OFF the banner at form
  3. A new configuration is available to set the alignment(left or right) of ranking scale stars for continuous layout
  4. A new configuration is available at short text and long text fields to set the "Minimum number of characters" , a validation while taking input from reviewer
  5. A new configuration to only accept the phone number at short text field is added
Improvements / feature enhancement
  1. Swagger is implemented for V2 APIs
  2. "Withdraw review API" has been improved to withdraw the published reviews
  3. A cron job is deployed to check and resubmit the reviews having "failed" status from the previous day records
  4. Shape selection for NPS was not applicable before but now, user can use any shape with NPS as well
  5. "Thank you" note view has been removed from form builder and user can view it in the preview option
  6. A couple of captions have been changed at form builder Ranking Scale
  7. Text field size have been increased at System messages page
  8. 'Preview' option for form at form builder has been removed as "Open form" option is available for the same purpose
  9. Now 'Form Type' is visible below the form title at form builder 
  10. At admin panel, there were some extra buttons with no purpose which have been removed
  11. Linked forms were not managing locale before but now it does while user navigates among forms
  12. Last form among linked forms had "Continue" button now it will show "Submit" button instead
  13. In case of multiple products, a form will show "Continue" button till 2nd last , and "Submit" button if product form is the last link of chain
  14. System will remove the local storage keys automatically in case its full
Technical optimizations
  1. Ranking scale JS refactoring is done in this release
  2. 'Critical' Issues in Scrutinizer have been fixed
  3. Useless cookie has been removed to avoid 400 bad request error
Major bug fixes
  1. Sub rankings in case of conditional questions were not working with multilingual functionality, but fixed now
  2. Logo on form form builder was used to upload in distorted form but that will work fine now
  3. For RTL language based forms, sliders of constant sum were not appearing correctly but now the design has been fixed
  4. "Cannot answer with sub-ranking" had some database level issues while saving, which are fixed now
  5. getAnswers API was throwing exception incase of invalid date format, issue has been resolved
  6. In case of error at field setting popup, system was used to disable save button but it also used to turn blank, now, it will fade out at error
  7. A couple of fixes are done related to picture field
  8. A couple of issues related to "cannot answer w.r.t email box and conditional questions" have been fixed in this release
  9. Condition to show email popup somehow stopped working, which has been fixed
  10. At chrome there was an issue related to fields sorting, but user won't face it now
  11. An issue related to session expiry has also been fixed
  12. Local storage with conditional questions had a couple of issues, which have been fixed
  13. Due to some impact an issue popped out where reviewer was able to skip sub-ranking at mandatory question, but system won't let it now
  14. System was not saving the parent value of ranking scale in case of matrix view, but now it will
  15. There were a few design issue on clicking of form preview at listing, user won't face those issues now
September 13, 2017

New features

  1. There is a new configuration provided at "System messages > Submission settings" to activate the navigation, which let the reviewer to move back and forth among linked forms
  2. A configuration added at ranking scale settings popup to randomize the displayed order of "Sub-Ranks" 
  3. At Conditional Question there is a new feature provided "AXA formula" which shows the conditional questions on the basis of different formulas
  4. A new API provided to get question details

Improvements / feature enhancement

  1. "Can't answer" feature is provided at "Constant sum" type questions as well
  2. At "Constant sum" a couple of configurations to show sum field and caption are provided
  3. At "Can't answer" feature a few changes are made at ranking scale w.r.t user experience
  4. Extra space which widget used to display before has been removed now
  5. A configuration is provided to set the font size of can't answer at ranking scale settings popup
  6. A configuration at back-end level done which shows the local storage notification at the browsers where DOM is not enabled

Technical optimizations

  1. An improvement done at backend .i.e even if SRR Api will not return data key in response SFF form will not crash
  2. A couple of structural level changes are done

Major bug fixes

  1. An issue related to scroll up(at error) is fixed for widget
  2. Constant sum had an issue related to not saving its child fields , which is fixed now
  3. API was showing conditionals questions as reviews questions which is fixed now
  4. System was showing php error at main rating due to some impact, which is fixed back to JS error
  5. A few design issue fixes of "cannot answer" 
  6. A few functional fixes of "Can't answer" w.r.t ranking scale with sub-ranks are done
  7. There was a scenario where already linked Conditional Question were able to link with newly added review question, fixed now
  8. Create account API stopped working due to ripple effect, but fixed

August 17, 2017

New features

  1. There is a new element added as "Constant Sum" in forms with slider and text fields when used total sum should be 100 of all children.
  2. New configuration “Allow not to answer” is added for all questions except the ones that are submitted to CORE. By enabling this, means user does not want to answer that question.
  3. New breadcrumb is introduced with percentage %, which will reflect if forms are 5 or more than 5.
  4. Get Questions API will now return tooltip as well for Ranking scale and Rating options.
  5. Get Answers API now have "records_per_page" parameter which will return only given records in this parameter in both JSON and CSV formats.
  6. Now there is a new Version of all APIs as v2 and some changes in results. 

Improvements / Feature enhancement

  1. There was just a text field for Thank you note translations, now there is a CK editor for thank you page translations in Custom strings.
  2. System is tracking click rate at links on thanks page. Now this information available at "analytics details" popup of each form.
  3. Now Placeholders for meta data used from SRR are extended to the Thank You page.
  4. Now there is a list of Cron jobs at Admin panel with statuses which updates according to time set of Crons.
  5. User can upload upto 3 files(jpeg, jpg, png) and size per file is 1MB .

Technical optimizations

  1. Options will save in Database with proper ID and also return in APIs with that IDs.
  2. Now relations are Database based.
  3. Added psr2 styles to the code and removed psr2 styles related errors from the code.
  4. Laravel OpCache Integration is done.
  5. Unnecessary Model and scripts are removed for FORM Answers.

Major bug fixes

  1. Whole chain of forms get submit on clicking several times on submit button, but now it is working fine as only particular form gets submit.
  2. Get Answers API was returning feedback in more then one line when format is CSV, now it is returning feedback in one line.
  3. User was able to save fields (labels, tooltips, error text, options etc) with space only, now this issue is resolved.
  4. Review Status API was not approving reviews, now this issue is resolved.

July 07, 2017

New features

  1. At user/shop panel "Surveys management" module has been integrated with all of its functionalities .i.e create survey , survey listing , edit survey , default survey
  2. At admin panel "Shops management" module has been integrated with all of its functionalities .i.e shop listing , edit shop
  3. At admin panel "Templates management" module has been integrated with all of its functionalities .i.e create template , template listing , edit template
  4. Shop owner/admin can now set the form with "Lieferheld" theme, for which different configurations have been provided at form builder .i.e 
    1. Option to align SUBMIT button 
    2. Option to Align star/ranking question to center 
    3. Option to remove border for from and questions 
    4. Option for centered layout of continuous star rate without child 
    5. Option to hide question title for type Long Text 
  5. Shop owner can also select width of widget while copying the code now
  6. Number of stars can be preselected so, whenever reviewer open the feedback request email, preselected stars will show up.
  7. At admin panel an option "Review with/without reviewHash or Order id" is provided w.r.t each shop
  8. At admin panel an option "Multiple submission from the same device " is provided w.r.t each shop
  9. Now, SFF is able to track the clicks on TY page banner too and those stats are provided at API and dashboard
  10. "Conditional questioning" feature has been provided 

Improvements / Feature enhancement

  1. "DeleteShop" Api has been updated w.r.t new changes 
  2. Inserted all users in DB which already had shops in SFF but users were not saved
  3. "Queue worker for extra calls on form submission" has started working for smoother reviews submission to core
  4. Mapper tooltip and placeholders were firstly provided just for NPS type , but now it is done for all other scenarios of main rating
  5. "GetQuestions" API will also return question labels for tooltip
  6. "Font size" for ranking scale was only done for grid layout, but now it will for continuous layout too
  7. SFF will provide unique identifiers for options in 'translations' now (upon pulse request)
  8. "ReviewStatus" API will verify shop credentials to approve/reject any review
  9. Language flags have been replaced with language name on actual form
  10. Now page size is dynamic in "Answers" Api
  11. Display of eKomi Connect error messages has been improved
  12. New versions for APIs have been launched

Technical optimizations

  1. Thank you page - unnecessary table has been removed and updated relevant code
  2. Listing Grid is not javascript based now
  3. Laravel OpCache Integration

Major bug fixes

  1. Dropout time calculation was not optimized before but now this has been updated
  2. There was issue in entering Japanese characters, additional characters used to appear which is fixed now
  3. Fixed the SFF widget button | Cross side access Error to Font folder because of missing Access-Control-Allow-Origin declaration
  4. Email pop-up error were not multilingual when form had just one language, but it will work fine now
  5. At form builder "conditional callback" did not check for language while fetching the questions, fixed accordingly
  6. User/shop owner was able to save the empty fields (forcefully with spaces only), now validations have been applied for space characters too
  7. "getAnswers" API was throwing an exception incase of invalid date format , but it will not throw exception now

May 30, 2017

New features

  1. At admin panel navigation tabs (Manage Shops, Manage Templates, Manage Categories, Manage Languages) have been integrated
  2. At user/shop panel, navigation tabs (for now it is just "Manage Surveys") have been integrated
  3. Admin and user panels are multilingual now
  4. Language listing is provided at admin panel and admin can change the title of language
  5. Admin can add category (will be used later for categorization of templates) and view categories listing 
  6. Admin can also add translations for category and also set a category as default 
  7. A newly registered shop will have "English" as default shop language, though a shop registered through "createAccount" API will be assigned with reference shop's language as default
  8. Short text field can be used now for email submission at core
  9. User/shop owner can set star rating as to show it pre-selected to reviewer
  10. A new API to fetch all of the stats i.e Open Rate, Completion Rate (Avg Completion Time), Dropout Rate (Avg Dropout Time), Geo Location, Device + OS used, Last Active Field (linked to dropout - what was last active field before user closed the form. Return Question ID + number of occurrences)

Improvements / Feature enhancement

  1. Auto-generated transaction ID's new scheme is  "mircotime"."mt_rand function"
  2. More options added in ckEditor for "free text" field , the options includes align text (left, center, right), Option to insert image, Option to in <a href> attribute, SFF fonts
  3. An additional parameter "FormID" provided in getAnswer API, which will return the results of specified form/s only
  4. Thank you page title is now different from review form's and the breadcrumb's thank you string will be used as title
  5. Shop interface id and interface pwd can be sent in request headers (improvement done in all APIs)
  6. "getQuestions" API will now also return tooltips of rating/ranking scale questions
  7. Remaining characters: Limit reached error notification is multilingual now .i.e it will be translated with respect to form's language
  8. Translations inserted for admin/shop panel into SFF
  9. Job created and scheduled to fill in the missing transaction IDs in DB 

Technical optimizations

  1. Crons refactored .i.e crons cannot overlap now, with each execution of cron an email will shoot with the cron status (to SFF team), start and end of each cron execution
  2. "Withdraw" API refactored
  3. "Delayed review submission" cron refactored
  4. Refactoring of form_answers table .i.e has been converted to "feedback" and "feedback_details" 
  5. Refactoring done for all APIs w.r.t refactored form_answers table
  6. Integration of  PSR-2
  7. Use of Laravel session helper instead of $_SESSION
  8. Use of Laravel form helpers to create form code

Major bug fixes

  1. Footer links shoplevel pages were in dutch but now those should be in selected language if translation are available
  2. Traffic split edge cases fixes; some shops edit page was crashing because of unmapped values of traffic split to the old data of conditional callback
  3. Thankyou page Mobile-view fixed
  4. "detailedAnswers" api  was not fetching the correct results with filters(negative,neutral,positive) parameter, now it should work as expected

April 26, 2017

New features

  1. At user/shop panel, instant feedback functionality (widget) is integrated for each form with 2 tabs (widget code, widget button code).
  2. At shop panel, user can configure width of shapes column.
  3. User/shop owner can set fontsize of the shapes for both desktop and mobile view.
  4. User can resume the review form from the point where he/she left and all of the fields as pre-filled/pre-selected except question type “picture”.
  5. A new “shop Answers” API is implemented to return answers against a shop. In JSON format there is a pagination of 10 records per page and in CSV format is without any pagination.
  6. Deployed SFF on new staging server.
  7. Access is restricted to smartforms login for AXA and eKomi. This feature is only implemented for AXA-SFF as per requirement.
  8. At shop level, Percentage Routing Functionality is integrated for reviewer to redirect as per set percentage after review submission.
  9. At form level, new HTML is integrated ( KPN DESIGN with all possibilities fixture ).

Improvements / Feature enhancement

  1. Amazon S3 Bucket is being used for all types of uploaded assets.
  2. There is some text with character count as count was not enough. Also now character count is always visible even when clicked outside the box. 
  3. There will be an error notification when characters reach to limit.
  4. Code optimization for system level messages to define precedence.
  5. Width of shop’s custom footer and custom header tabs is now equal to form’s width.
  6. As any user, now he/she can login only through “eKomi Connect” with 2 roles as “SFF_USER” or “SFF_ADMIN”. Custom login is now deprecated from SFF.
  7. As a shop owner, user can display rating scale’s “help text tooltip” above or below the NPS. It will reflect at center when tooltip is set for below.
  8. Added new languages to SFF production.

Technical optimizations

  1. Laravel optimizations are done with some “php artisan” commands.
  2. “public/simplehtmldom/” is now moved in “/app/Libraries” directory.
  3. Hardcoded shop ids are removed from files now.
  4. “composer.json” is cleaned now and all packages are removed from it which we are not using anymore.
  5.  Created mechanism for management of one time scripts.
  6. No parsing for html of ekomi form on smartforms now. Review will just store in our database marked with 0 or 1 in “is_submitted_to_ekomi” column.
  7. Now data attribute will be used for parsing the name of the input fields in case of product form.
  8. Optimization of images is defined along with expiry date of form’s default images.
  9. CSRF protection is now applied on SFF forms.
  10. Script to update old answers in case of mandatory ranking scale.

Major bug fixes

  1. Character count had issues as limit goes in minus and also there were browser specific issues but now these issues are fixed.
  2. User selected stars for all sub-ratings, but was still getting an error message at under rating but now user won’t get any error message if all sub-ratings are selected.
  3. Cloning a form creates new cloned form with same name as of reference form. Now user can only create/clone form with unique name (does not exist before).

  • No labels