AppStore Release Notes
AppStore Release Notes
AppStore-Release-2.8 - Dec 03, 2018
New Features
- Implemented Assisted Registration Flow for Sales Person
- Implemented Billing History Feature
Improvements / Feature enhancement
- Made improvements, in chargebee web-hook controller code.
- Made improvements, changed the home page target from store to register
- Improvements, have been made in Payment method flow for front end user
- Chargebee APIs have been moved to Chargebee API service
- Improvements, have been made in payment flow for user who is not subscribed to base Plan yet
- Improvements, have been made to handle case of "scheduled for cancellation" CB Plan while editing Plan
Bug fixes
- System throws exception when adding / updating new card
- The error and success message are not in red or green color for payment method module
- There is no proper indication for primary and secondary card on payment method listing page
- Fix general responsive design and alignments issues for mobile devices
- Registration Step 1 lets user go to next page with invalid email
- The api shows invalid status code when success scenario is executed
- The alert messages for over charge usage show incorrect amount of package once coupon is applied
- Mandatory field not effective
- There is no confirmation message when removing secondary credit card number
- The contact us page opens in same tab
- Terms and conditions link opens in same tab
- Over Charge Usage API throws exception internal server error when sending alert message for 90% and 100% usage
AppStore-Release-2.7 - Nov 19, 2018
New Features
- Implemented eKomi Lite account integration on registration
- Implemented method where customers can update his/her billing, account and payment method information using CB APIs
- Filters have been added in Packages module
- Handle un-notified additional charges on subscription cancellations
Improvements / Feature enhancement
- Made improvements, given option to add stripe information in AppStore after the customer has been created for e.g. in edit mode
- Made improvements in coupons, once coupon is applied, updated information should be shown on subscription page, package detailed page, subscription and un-subscription email
- Made improvements, tool-tips have been added in every add/edit form to help customers clear their confusion
- Made improvements, and fixed the issues in description for package details page
- 'Plan Id' field has been shown on plan listing page from consistency point of view
- 'Per Unit Cost' option has been hidden from the drop down of 'Recurring Charge Model' field in plans
- 'SHOW' option has been implemented for Packages, Apps, Categories and Coupons
- Improvements have been made in whole application
Bug fixes
- Over charge payment does not get collect when plan is not recurring
- Package can be edited once its subscription is made
- 100% discount coupon is not allowed in AppStore where as ChrageBee allows one
- Make design of subscription page consistent
- Make editable Plans, Packages, Apps and Categories once they have been used in subscription
- Need to find 'Ekomi' and replace it with proper logo 'eKomi' across whole application
- Coupon can still be applied even if it does not exist in system
- Fix isSubscribable bug
- System halts when coupon field is kept empty
- Hide coupon field when package is for free
- The default value when 'Maximum Redemption' is kept empty is stored as 1
- When unsubscribing system throws exception of 500 error
- Discounted price of package is not shown on pop-up when user tries to un-subscribe
- System showing multiple error and success messages on packages page when changing their status from subscribable un-subscribable
- When applying weekly, monthly or yearly coupon system show 'ly' in second line
- Make the helping text font size and type same across whole application
- Rename Add Chargebee Customer to Associated Chargebee Customer
- Back to listing or cancel button is missing from Create / Edit / Remove page for payment method
AppStore-Release-2.6 - Nov 05, 2018
New Features
- Implemented Channels based system logging against info and errors
- Implemented Ability to handle quantity based packages
Improvements / Feature enhancement
- Made improvements in front-end (fixed title spacing issue, titles first letter in upper case)
- Switching languages issue fixed
Bug fixes
- When giving space in the URL for shopify the system shows '%' sign in the per-filled fields
- API throws exception when over charge usage and alert message does not match
- API still over charges usage if user and package id are different
- API returns error when giving service type in Upper case for e.g 'SMS', 'EMAIL'
- In callback trigger field e.g. of over usage alert is missing
- Remove/Hide SMS option from package listing and api as its not being used for now
Show some helping text for 'Over Usage Quantity' in API as user gets confused
- system does not tell which over charge amount was for sms or email
The success message when using {"alert_1":"90%"} or {"alert_2":"100%"} params in the callback trigger is not correct
- Api still sends alert emails and charges over charge usage for a package whose 'Is quantity based package' is not enabled
- When giving space in the URL for shopify the system shows '%' sign in the per-filled fields
AppStore-Release-2.5 - Oct 19, 2018
New Features
- Implemented email notification for normal cancellation (un-subscription)
- VAT field has been integrated in registration process
- Auto filled registration form when there are fields values provided in the URL
Improvements / Feature enhancement
- Tool tip has been introduced on packages having large amount of description
- Error message has been implemented when subscribing a package using an expired coupon
Bug fixes
- System throws exception on live when click on Customer Portal button
- Specific that coupon is id is alphanumeric
- When deleting an App system throws 'Some Thing Went Wrong' error message
- When registering a new user 'Submit' button doesn't work if website address is not properly entered
AppStore-Release-2.4 - Oct 15, 2018
New Features
- Chargebee Customer Management Portal has been introduced and integrated on admin panel
- Coupons Constraints have been introduced
Improvements / Feature enhancement
- Improvements have been done in Registration Module and its new design has been integrated.
- Improvements have been done on Landing Page
- Improvements have been done to be able to track which seller is associated to the customer
Bug fixes
- Session expires but user is still able to create plan,packages
- From consistency point of view mandatory field should be red in color
- When editing coupon system does not update the value on chargebee
- Coupon can be deleted and edited when it has been used
- When selecting a particular plan system populates all plans
- When using coupon with current time system halts
- Error message should be properly aligned
- The design of package detail page breaks for iPad Pro
- Fix general issues related to apps shown on subscription page
- Footer links should open in new tab
- System shows incorrect package name when on package detail page
- When editing an already redeemed coupon system shows multiply flash messages
- When creating a new customer with existing name system throws exception 'Some Thing Went Wrong'
- When giving invalid username for existing eKomi user system throws 'Some Thing Went Wrong' exception
AppStore-Release-2.3 - Oct 05, 2018
New Features
- Connect user name can now be passed in the redirect URL
- Placeholder for ConnectUser has been implemented in App Open Link
- Subscribed by column has been added in subscription tab in admin panel
- Connect and Chargebee customer connection has been implemented
- Coupon has been applied in Customer Association Module
Improvements / Feature enhancement
- Improvements have been done in Subscription Controller
- Improvements have been done in Registration Controller
- Improvements have been done in Consent Saving Module
- Improvements have been done in Subscription - Web-hook
- Improvements have been done in Subscription Module
- Improvements have been done in Subscription - Chargebee
- Improvements have been done in Unsubscription Module
- Improvements have been done in Package Management Module
- Test user constraints has been removed where he/she can't subscribe a package whose price is greater then 0
- Improvement has been done in admin panel to allow admin to upload bigger image for detail page
Bug fixes
- System throws 500 error when using a used coupon and subscribing a package
- When deleting a package system throws exception 500 some thing went wrong
- System shows subscribe button when waiting web hook response from chargebee for subscription
- System does not ask for confirmation message before un-subscribing from admin panel
- When creating coupon with currency type different from that of package and plan systems halts
- When creating coupon with already existing name system throws 500 exception
- System halts when user tries to use coupon for another plan / package which was created for a specific plan
- System halts when using a coupon which was to be used 1 time
- When giving space in id field of coupon system throws 500 exception
- Success message once chargebee customer is imported is not shown properly
- Add customer should be shown in customer listing tab
- Fix general design issues
AppStore-Release-2.2 - Sept 24, 2018
New Features
- Coupons have been introduced as a new feature on admin side where user is able to create, edit and delete the coupons.
- Email notifications have been implemented. User will receive emails upon subscribing or un-subscribing package.
- Bugsnag has been implemented.
- Connect and Chargebee customer connection has been implemented.
Improvements / Feature enhancement
- Admin menu has been organized.
- Have improved chargebee web-hooks.
- Implemented new design for whole application
Bug fixes
- App is subscribed via package but still showing subscribe button on apps page
- App and package slug should be unique
- Categories are not available packages
- The footer breaks when opening appstore on large screen led
- The buttons are not properly clickable
- Login button effect is overlapping with white space
- There is no back button when admin page is accessed from user account
- Buttons such as 'Edit/Delete/Show' are not consistent across application
- There is no gap between the error message or success messages across application
- When in edit mode package/app/category can be deleted
- System shows exception when login session times out
- Package can be subscribed even if it does not contain any app
- Slug is not created automatically for category
- When typing letter or integer in Chargebee Plan Id* field system throws exception
- app once added cant be deleted
- System shows subscribed package on store tab
- When searching app system shows the app searched
- System should display message "No Record Found" when there is not subscription
- Duplicate subscription should not be allowed when accessing app from URL
- When giving '0' as set up cost value system throws exception
- There is no way user can open apps once subscribed
- When subscribing a package system does not subscribe package
- When keeping empty field for set-up cost system returns error
- There is a lot off blank space when editing chargebee plan
- the buttons 'save' or 'back to listing' on create chargebee plan are not properly aligned
- When creating customer system does not search for auto filled values in connect id field
- System throws exception when clicked on subscribed package
- When unsubscribing from admin system redirects admin to add customer tab
- when creating coupon system throws exception
- When unsubscribing package system shows coupon field
AppStore-Release-2.1 - Aug 30, 2018
New Features
- Simplify Chargebee registration flow
- Subscription controllers combination and web-hook implementation
- Display a proper confirmation message before subscription
- Show "Available apps" as part of the "Subscriptions" tab for subscribed packages
- App Filtering
- Admin: Subscriptions listing actions
- How to setup production QA env
Improvements / Feature enhancement
- Clean up code
- Remove account region field
- Hide certain languages
- Remove is_solutions field and it's functionality from app
- Add informative tool tips on all backend forms
- Many to many relationship between package and categories.
- Admin can't go back to user panel once in admin panel
Bug fixes
- Admin: Subscriptions listing actions
- Admin can disable package even if its subscribed
- When trying to login from admin account on staging server the system login in pop-up
- When trying to login from user credential via admin URL system pop-up screen remains blank
- When trying to login from admin account system logs in from user account
- Disabled app which is added in a package should be subscribed or not
- Telephone number validation not working
- Error message for subscription of package or app is not correct
- Error messages is not correct when deleting chargebee plan
- Success and Error messages are not shown across whole application
- Unable to delete app once created
- Category can be delete even if its associated with package or app
- Category/app can be deleted even if they are associated
- When deleting associated package/app system throws exception
- When unsubscribing from admin system throws exception something went wrong
- System does not save changes on chargebee when editing the plan
- When editing a plan system show success and error message side by side
- System does not show package on subscription tab
- System does not show app subscribed via package on subscription tab
- Success message when subscribing package is shown on store tab
- When on subscription tab system still shows store tab as highlighted tab
- When opening appstore staging URL the system still lands user on apps tab
- When clicking on unsubscribe button to unsubscribe system throws exception
- System throws exception when login from user and user clicks on subscription button
AppStore-Release-2.0 - Aug 07, 2018
New Features
- Ability to unsubscribe a package
- Package subscription constraints
- App subscription
- Plan creation/edit improvement
- App/package subscription/unsubscription consent taking
- Save Consent for Apps as well
- Remove Orbitale Cms Bundle and associated entities
- Chargebee webhooks implementation
Improvements / Feature enhancement
- Selected category should be highlighted on frontend products page
- Create slug automatically while creating app/package on admin side
- 500 error on plan removal
- Plan creation/edit improvement
Bug fixes
- Most of the fields from the registration form are not usable in Safari
- Category can be selected even if no apps in it
- show time along with date of cancellation
- Error message is not correct when giving consent for un-subscription
AppStore-Release-7 - Jul 23, 2018
- Chargebee plan CRUD
- Appstore package CRUD
- Package subscription.
- Few bugs fixed.
- Few bugs introduced.
AppStore-Release-6 - Jun 01, 2018
- Fixed known bugs
- HTML clean up
- Test cases added (coverage now 15%)
AppStore-Release-5 - May 25, 2018
- Four bugs fixed.
- Add enabled flag
- Autocomplete feature implemented.
AppStore-Release-4 - May 11, 2018
- Account created in Core.
- User could subscribe / unsubscribe apps
- Reference is logged.
- Connect role subscribe / usbsubscribed on user subscription with app.
AppStore-Release-3 - May 04, 2018
- Fixed 2 errors
- Fixed chargebee integration
AppStore-Release-2 - Apr 04, 2018
- Multi signup form completed
, multiple selections available,
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