eKomi Integration for Payment Providers
eKomi platform allows collection & management of customer feedback across any touch point in a customer journey. In online payments, there are two key moments of truth for the customers:
Pre payment ie. when a user is adding his credit card / payment information
Post payment i.e., when the user has already paid and is has received confirmation that payment has been made successfully.
On both of the above moments of truth eKomi provides solutions to measure and increase customer satisfaction.
For pre-payment moment of truth, eKomi provides widgets that can be displayed on the payment screen to increase customer trust. Different layouts and designs are possible, e.g.,
For post payment feedback collection, eKomi survey form can be integrated directly into the payment confirmation screen. An example of such a form is here (note that this can be multi-lingual or in any language and the design and CI can be modified):
Implementation details
There are two steps to implement the above steps in any payment flow:
Creation of account: this can be done via eKomi directly or via a registration API. To get access to eKomi registration API, please contact your support contact.
Pull survey link or widget or both. The survey link can be pulled through multiple apis:
PutOrder: this is described here Complete API Documentation | CompleteAPIDocumentation BasicAPI(PreviouslycalledCoreAPIv3)
Direct embed code: this can be retrieved directly from the survey forms but the code looks like following. Note that ACCOUNTID comes from the registration api as mentioned above. FORMID is the specific survey form. It can be left blank and then default survey form will be used.
<!-- eKomiWidget START -->
<div id="sff_127__widget-container"></div>
<!-- eKomiWidget END -->
<!-- eKomiLoader START, only needed once per page -->
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(w) {
w['_ekomiServerUrl'] = 'https://smartforms.ekomi.com';
w['_ekomiShopId'] = 'ACCOUNTID';
w['_ekomiFormId'] = 'FORMID';
w['_ekomiWidgetWidth'] = '1020px';
w['_ekomiWidgetHeight'] = '1290px';
w['_ekomiEmbedWidget'] = '0';
w['_ekomiDisableAutoClose'] = '0';
w['_ekomiEmail'] = '';
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = w['_ekomiServerUrl']+'/script/widget.js?v='+ new Date().getTime();
s.async = true;
var e = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
e.parentNode.insertBefore(s, e);
<!-- eKomiLoader END, only needed once per page -->
3. To get the widget code, simply use the api here: https://ekomi01.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/1066238187/Complete+API+Documentation?preview=/1066238187/1066205328/eKomi_APIv3_documentation_ENT.pdf#CompleteAPIDocumentation-5.SmartWidgetsAPI
Other integrations
eKomi is integrated with BR-DGE which allows eKomi to collect feedback across all payment provider customers of BR-DGE.